About Me

Heather is an experienced and fully qualified hypnotherapist. With 30 years of experience working in the community supporting families and young people. Heather’s passion is to help others learn how to live the life they want free from anxiety and fear using Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching.

As the parent to five children, one of whom is neurodiverse, she has faced challenges not only surviving but going on to thrive after experiencing Domestic Abuse. Recognising that her life is only the way it is now, because she embraced her own healing journey. Heather’s own lived experience underpins her work knowing that freedom from trauma and negative experiences is possible and what it takes to achieve it. She is passionate about supporting people and empowering them to achieve their goals. Negative experiences in life can make it feel like your destiny has been disrupted. Heather offers a safe, nurturing environment in which clients are accepted without any judgment and provided with the bespoke support required to shift their state of mind and find the freedom to direct their own steps forward.